Have questions?

Contact us with any questions you may have or visit the Frequently Asked Questions Below.

We will be happy to respond as soon as we are able!


Do you have your own app?

Scenic City Backroads does not have its own app. It utilizes the Clubs feature on the Ride with GPS app.

How do I join the club on the app?

Visit the tutorial here for instructions on how to access the routes via the Ride with GPS app.

Can you help me with the app?

We provide a tutorial here for accessing routes via the Ride with GPS app.

If you are having technical difficulties with the app, we recommend reaching out to Ride with GPS directly here as the app is managed and updated directly by them.

How can I view all the routes?

To access route descriptions by region or to view them all together, click here.

Can I compare the routes?

If you would like to compare all of the routes, click here for a table comparison.

Want help with your logo?

Want help with your website?