Ride with GPS Tutorial

After you have submitted your request to be a member here, follow the instructions below for using the app.

Not sure if you are a member?

Login to the Ride with GPS app and look for Scenic City Backroads under your Clubs. If you don’t see it, you are not a member yet.

Scenic City Backroads does not have its own app, but utilizes clubs on the Ride with GPS app.

By accessing these resources, you recognize that we have done our best to keep the routes and tools accurate, but there are no guarantees that they are free from errors. You may report any errors via the contact form.

You agree to use your discretion when deciding if you are fit for route conditions. If you decide to visit attractions on the route, we recommend calling ahead for hours and pricing (if applicable).

NOTE: Screenshots may vary depending on the version of your app and any recent updates. We do our best to keep these files updated.

Eddie uses the “Ride with GPS” route guidance app, making the experience much better. With this app the navigator can enjoy the drive, too, instead of having their head buried in directions in varied forms. The Ride with GPS app gives verbal commands and custom directions that surpass every other route planning app our group has tried.

- Jim Maxwell - Tour Planner with the Authentic Shelby Cobra Group